A Closer Look at Health Access Connect’s Transformative Initiatives for Remote Healthcare Access
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In a world where access to healthcare is a fundamental right, millions of people living in remote and underserved communities still struggle to receive the essential medical attention they need. Health Access Connect (HAC), a dynamic organization committed to improving healthcare access in remote areas, has initiated several transformative projects aimed at bridging this critical gap. In this blog post, we will delve into four of HAC’s innovative initiatives: Medicycles, Treat & Teach, Technical Assistance, and Digital Square. Let’s journey into these impactful projects that are making healthcare accessible to those who need it most.

A VHT and a Medical Workers starting their Journey to a community clinical outreach
Medicycles: Closing the distance to Healthcare
HAC’s Medicycles project is a beacon of hope for remote communities located more than 5 kilometers from the nearest health facility. These communities often face challenges in accessing government doctors, nurses, and medicines regularly. To address this issue, HAC collaborates with local Community Associations (LCAs) to organize monthly or bimonthly one-day outreach clinics. Every member of the LCA contributes 2000 Ugx (0.53 $) that will be used to help transport and facilitate the government workers to come to their communities to test and treat various medical issues ranging from Malaria, STDs, STIs, HIV, immunization, Antennal Care and many more.

This model has not only improved access to primary healthcare but has also been recognized as a recommended service delivery model in national HIV guidelines. You can explore more about the Medicycles model in HAC’s detailed Global Health Action article. https://bit.ly/hac-model.
Treat & Teach: Empowering Communities with Family Planning
Treat & Teach is another remarkable initiative by HAC aimed at improving access to family planning services in remote and underserved communities. The project identifies the gaps in family planning access, including the lack of on-the-job experience of healthcare workers, commodity stock outs, limited awareness of contraceptive methods, and the challenge of reaching distant healthcare facilities.
To address these issues, HAC establishes outreach clinics, conducts on-the-job health worker training, manages the supply chain efficiently, generates demand through Community Health Workers (CHWs), and offers family planning services. Since its inception in 2019, Treat & Teach has not only met but exceeded Couple Years of Protection (CYP) targets, thanks to its innovative and holistic approach.

Technical Assistance: Transforming ART Services
HAC’s Technical Assistance project focuses on enhancing the convenience, outcomes, and overall health system performance for individuals receiving antiretroviral treatment (ART). Collaborating with the Africa Resource Centre (ARC), HAC has taken on the task of adapting the successful Medicycles outreach clinic model into national policy. They provide training to implementing partners on setting up outreach clinics and promoting the adoption of Community Led Drug Distribution Points (CLDDP) nationwide.

Additionally, HAC works closely with the Ministry of Health (MOH) to establish dashboards, distribute essential materials, and coordinate with partners to ensure seamless ART services delivery.
Digital Square: Improving Visibility on Supply Chain Performance in Uganda
In a groundbreaking partnership with Signalytic, HAC is committed to enhancing supply chain performance in the last mile in Uganda. This project involves equipping rural districts with appropriate hardware-software packages tailored to their limited infrastructure. HAC is ensuring better coordination and visibility in the healthcare supply chain through training of Health workers and responsible persons at the health facilities on how to track drug stocks with the S+ machines and the phones .

Moreover, on-the-job coaching, IT support, and advocacy efforts aimed at decision-makers are further strengthening the healthcare supply chain in Uganda, ultimately benefiting those in need of essential medical supplies and medications.
Through the Medicycles, Treat & Teach, and Technical Assistance projects, we are making a significant impact on primary healthcare, family planning, and ART services. Our Digital Square project to enhance supply chain performance in Uganda is yet another testament to our dedication to creating a healthier world for all. As we look to the future, we can only hope that more organizations and individuals will join hands with HAC to bridge the healthcare gap and ensure that everyone, regardless of their location, has access to quality healthcare services.