About Us
Kevin Gibbons started Health Access Connect based on the need for antiretroviral therapy (ART) and other health services he witnessed in fishing villages on Lake Victoria. Many people fail to get healthcare because it’s too expensive and difficult to travel to the nearest facilities. HAC established the Medicycles program to bring healthcare workers and their medicines to remote areas on a monthly basis.

ongoing projects
Setting up sustainable community-led, one-day monthly primary healthcare outreach clinics in remote communities within Uganda, using community contributions and micro-financed motorcycle taxis. The health services offered at the outreach clinics include family planning, antiretroviral therapy, antenatal care, health education, immunization, and other primary healthcare services.

Treat & Teach Project + 2021
Increasing access to and utilization of family planning services through outreach clinics, family planning commodity support, and on-the-job training of health workers
Capacity building
Working with Africa Resource Centre, the Uganda Ministry of Health, and implementing partner (IP) organizations to put the Medicycles model into national guidelines and teach Implementing Partners (IPs) how to implement the model

In partnership with Signalytic, the project intends to improve visibility on supply chain performance in the last mile by a) equipping rural districts with an appropriate hardware-software package fitting to their limited infrastructure, b) connecting the inventory management system to existing sanctioned data systems, ie eLMIS, and c) providing on-the-job coaching, IT support, and decision-maker advocacy.
Our Core Values
- Do a lot with little
- Sustainability from day 1
- Share and collaborate
- Tell it as it is
- Root for each other
Our Commitments
- To the communities we serve…
- We commit to partnering with you in improving your health in the long term
- To the health workers, we serve…
- We commit to partnering with you to develop long term solutions to serving your patients
- To our donors, investors, and friends…
- We commit to being a steward of your investment toward making a better life for marginalized groups.
- To our employees…
- We commit to helping you maximize your positive impact on the world
- To our world…
- We commit to sharing openly, serving vulnerable communities, and working at the highest levels of integrity
HAC staff and board members have experience in a variety of fields.